Tactile Map Production System
Funded by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI)
* Summary
We are developing a system which enables blind people to produce tactile maps of any location in Japan. Specially rendered map images for tactual reading are printed onto a sheet of capsule paper. Then, the paper is heated by the heater or "stereo copying machine" to produce a tactile map. The features of the system are as follows.
- This Web application system is accessible to blind persons.
- All that the user has to do is assigning a target location by text input.
- Either the target address or the name of the building can be used for the searching keywords.
- Everybody can use our system via the Internet.
* Making Process
- The blind user operates the Web-based application with a screen reader.
- The user inputs the present location and the destination into the text edit boxes and press the search button. Then, an original iamge of a tactile map is created by the application.
- Map image is printed onto a sheet of capsule papaer.
- Capsule paper is heated by the heater.
- A tactile map is developed.
* Related Information
■ 紹介記事
■ References
Tactile Graphics, Tactile Maps, and Guidelines
- Yvonne Eriksson, Gunnar Jansson and Monica Strucel: Tactile maps - Guidelines for the production of maps for the visually impaired, The Swedish Library of Taling Books and Braille, 2003.
- Yvonne Eriksson and Monica Strucel: A guide to the Production of tactile graphics on swellpaper, The Swedish Library of Taling Books and Braille, 1995.
- 加藤俊和, 山本宗雄: 筑波技術大学 情報・理数点訳ネットワーク - 点字図書用図表の作成技法研修会 −手で読む図表の作り方(初歩から実践まで)−, 筑波技術大学 障害者高等教育研究支援センター, 2007.
- インターネットを活用した視覚障害教育用触覚図形教材の盲学校間相互利用に関する研究, 科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書, 国立特殊教育総合研究所, 特殊研F-125,2004.
- Joshua A. Miele, Steven Landau and Deborah Gilden, "Talking TMAPS: Automated generation of autdio-tactile maps using Smith-Kettlewell's TMAP software," British Journal of Visual Impairment, Vol.24, No.2, pp.93-100, 2006.
- Stephen E. Krufka and Kenneth E. Barner: Automatic Production of Tactile Graphics from Scalable Vector Graphics, ASSETS'05 Proceedings, pp.166-172, 2005.
- Richard E. Ladner, et al.: "Automating Tactile Graphics Translation," ASSETS'05 Proceedings, pp.150-157, 2005.
- Chandrika Jayant, Matt Renzelmann, Dann Wen, Satria Krisnandi, Richard Landner, and Dan Comden: Automated Tactile Graphics Translation: In the Field, ASSETS'07 Proceedings, pp.75-82, 2007.
- Gunnar Jansson, Imre Juhasz and Arina Cammilton: "Reading virtual maps with a haptic mouse: Effect of some modifications of the tactile and audio-tactile information", British Journal of Visual Impairment, Vol.24, No.2, pp.60-66, 2006.
- Simon Ungar, Mark Blades and Christopher Spencer: "The role of tactile maps in mobility training," British Journal of Visual Impairment, Vol.11, No.3, pp.59-61, 1993.
Orientation and Mobility
- Naoko Hagimori, Kazutoshi Yamamoto: 視覚障害者の歩行と空間認知に関する調査(1)歩行訓練と移動の手がかり, Rehabilitation for the Blind, No.63, pp.15-33, 2006.
- Naoko Hagimori, Kazutoshi Yamamoto: 視覚障害者の歩行と空間認知に関する調査(2)移動のしやすい環境, Rehabilitation for the Blind, No.64, pp.47-65, 2006.
- Reginal G. Golledge, James R. Marston, Jack M. Loomis, and Roberta L.Klatzky: "Stated preferences for components of a personal guidance system for nonvisual navigation," Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, Vol.98, No.3, p.135-147, 2004.
Tactile Sense
- Morton A. Heller and William Schiff: The Psychology of Touch, Hillsdale, N.J. : L. Erlbaum, 1991.
- Soledad Ballesteros, Dolores Bardisa, Susanna Millar and Jose M. Reales: "The haptic test battery: A new instrument to test tactual abilities in blind and visually impaired and sighted children," British Journal of Visual Impairment, Vol.23, No.1, pp.11-24, 2005.
Tactile Sense and Blind Persons