Legible braille patterns on capsule paper

- Diameters of braille dots and their interspaces on the original ink-printed paper -


* Abstract

An experiment was conducted using braille readers in order to search for the suitable range of diameters of braille dots and their interspaces on the original images for capsule paper braille. The result shows that capsule paper braille with the condition of 1.2/1.4 mm diameters and interdot spaces of 1.05 to 1.15 times as standard Japanese braille was read in shorter time and with fewer mistakes and rated high. On the other hand, braille with larger diameters and narrower interdot spaces was read in longer time and with more mistakes and rated low. Three-dimensional measurement of braille shapes made it clear that difficulties in reading braille with these conditions stems from the fusion of dots due to the expansion characteristic of capsule paper.

An example of the cross sectional view of legible braille An example of the cross sectional view of illegible braille

Examples of the cross sectional view of legible (left) and illegible braille (right)

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Last updated: January 23, 2006
Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Tetsuya WATANABE